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additional income taxの例文


  • The state also collects an additional income tax for some counties.
  • A gross-up inflates an executive's severance package to cover excise taxes and any additional income taxes.
  • Second, the assets can be passed on to heirs without any additional income taxes being owed.
  • The main thing I see is getting hit with additional income tax to pay from this unexpected source.
  • The " marriage penalty " is the additional income tax that many two-income married couples now have to pay.
  • This additional income tax benefit is applicable from FY 2015-16 / AY 2016-17 and makes NPS an attractive investment option.
  • Then you pay the IRS penalty of $ 873, and you might pay $ 2, 444 in additional income taxes based on the withdrawal.
  • TAX-COX _ WASHINGTON _ The Internal Revenue Service has dropped claims that Anne Cox Chambers, Barbara Cox Anthony and Garner Anthony owe additional income taxes
  • WASHINGTON _ The Internal Revenue Service has dropped claims that Anne Cox Chambers, Barbara Cox Anthony and Garner Anthony owe additional income taxes for 1987.
  • _Americans would pay $ 241 billion of additional income taxes in the next decade because there would be smaller changes in provisions of the tax code that offset inflation.
  • The amendment was billed as a reduction in the marriage tax penalty _ the additional income taxes some couples owe above what they would owe if they were single.
  • Most of the additional income taxes in this bill were imposed on the wealthy, but it did include an increase in the taxes on Social Security benefits for middle-income retirees.
  • And that is only what he or she would owe in additional income tax on the reported value of the flight; the company would receive nothing to cover its costs.
  • But the IMF also cautioned government against a proposal by the Derivative Committee under the Department of Finance to exclude from additional income taxes earnings from the use of these hedging instruments.
  • A corporate advocate of the measure said Monday night that the companies pushing it expected to organize their books so that they would not pay any additional income taxes as a result of the pension fund withdrawals.
  • This would necessitate an additional income tax of $ 1, 975 from the higher tax bracket ( $ 200, 000 * 24.35 % [ new and equal effective tax rate ] = $ 48, 700 ), or an extra 0.99 % in this model.
  • If such a change had been instituted in the third quarter, retroactive to the first quarter, the company said, an additional income tax expense would have been recorded, leading to an effective tax rate of around 43 percent as against 38.9 percent in the first nine months.
  • For example, in New York City, a dedicated sales tax backed the Municipal Assistance Corporation bonds issued during the fiscal crisis of the mid-1970s; in Philadelphia, additional income taxes supported borrowings that averted a default, and in Chicago, two property tax increases prevented a default of school bonds.
  • If such a change had been instituted in the third quarter, retroactive to the first quarter, the company said, an additional income tax expense would have been recorded, leading to an effective tax rate of around 43 percent as against 38 . 9 percent in the first nine months.
  • If the investor were in the top tax bracket of 39.6 percent, he would have saved $ 19, 800 in taxes from the $ 50, 000 depreciation deduction and would end up paying $ 7, 840 in additional income tax, while saving $ 4, 100 in capital gains tax ( if the rate is cut to 19.8 percent ).
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